Liberal Arts
Italian is an Indo-European language that is rooted in the culture and history of the region. This course improves one’s understanding of the Italian language and its culture.
A continuation of the course, this class will further and expand the knowledge of the Italian language and culture in more detail.
This is an introductory course for students with little or no background in Swahili language. Student will learn Swahili letters, pronunciation and the grammar essential for understanding the language, as well as elementary Swahili speaking skills. The objective of this course is to enable students to listen, read, and speak basic-level Swahili language.
This course is designed for students who have successfully taken the introductory classes in Swahili language or have an equivalent proficiency in Swahili language. This course focuses on raising the students’ ability to read and write Swahili, as well as to listen and speak Swahilli, so that the students can develop a well-balanced foundation in all four skills in Swahili language. The goal of this course is for the students to acquire a higher proficiency in Swahili.
This course is designed for those who do not have any previous knowledge of Mongolian. This course is made for the beginners and it focuses on not only grammar but also basic speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. More concretely it will proceed with a focus on writing Mongolian alphabets, pronunciation, essential words and expressions used in daily life.
This course extends the concept “language” within a variety of perspectives, and applies the concept to human life and the universe. Thus, the course will let the students explore the universality of “information” and “communication” in many academic fields. The course will provide the basic understanding of human language – its structure in form and meaning, its nature, its way of existence, and its generative principles. Further, the students will explore the key concepts in more general contexts such as [natural language vs. artificial language], [symbolic systems and tools for encoding world information], [information structures in art/music and design], [the patterns of communication in these “languages”], and [the roles of human participants in the communication].
This course introduces the area of linguistics that deals with nature and function of human language. Topics include object and method of linguistics, nature of speech sounds (phonetics-phonology), linguistic structures-forms (morphology-syntax), linguistic meaning (semantics), and discourse (pragmatics). In addition, the course will also handle the change and variations of natural language (historical-comparative linguistics).
This course offers a general survey of Altaic peoples, followed by classes focusing on the three main subdivisions of the Altaic language family: the Turkic, Mongol and Manchu-Tungus branches. For each of these, you will cover the extent of the people’s use of their language and character, as well as the current preservation efforts of the culture. As required, material (including visual data) gathered from on-site fieldwork will be used to illustrate more vividly the Altaic languages and cultures. In addition, the course also aims to explore the relationship between the languages introduced and the Korean language.
This course is an introductory Finnish language class. The goal of this class is for students to learn Finnish pronunciation, basic vocabulary, and essential grammar of modern Finnish. They will learn and practice grammar rules such as noun/adjective inflections, and the various patterns of verbal constructions and sentence types. In addition, this course provides drill sessions for acquiring simple conversation skills.
This course introduces (i) basics of reading and writing of Hebrew, and (ii) the cultural historical position of the Middle East in the world history. The students get training in text comprehension with simple sentences, and they are introduced to the historical/cultural significance reflected in the vocabulary and texts. The course offers basic knowledge on the relationship between the Hebrew language and the culture. In particular, the course discusses the influence from the classic Hebrew language onto the modern Hebrew with respect to both cultural and historical aspects.
This course is an intermediate level of Finnish language class. The goal of this class is for students to learn advanced grammar and vocabulary, and further to develop text analysis and understanding in various genres. The students will have drill sessions for speaking as well as writing to be equipped with extended communication capacities in Finnish.
Literature, philosophy, mathematics, as well as language acquisition, disorder, and change will be examined in this course focusing on the studies of human linguistic capacity from the scientific perspective. Additional investigated areas are human linguistic ability, form and meaning of natural, as well as social language and computation.
This course deals with the relationship between human language and computer processing. Included in this survey are linguistic communication and information, compiling and processing by computer, human language and artificial language, application of linguistic studies to computational information processing, speech recognition and generation, sentence parsing, semantic processing and inference, and machine translation.
This introductory course deals with phonetics. We will learn how speech sounds are produced as well as how to pronounce foreign sounds correctly. Sounds, rhythm, intonation, and tone of Korean, English and some other languages will be surveyed. Acoustic aspects of speech sounds and the use of laboratory equipment will also be introduced.
This course investigates the differences and similarities of the languages of the world while classifying them by geneology and typology. Students will gain a deeper understanding of universality and idiosyncracies of the human languages.
As an introduction to phonetics-based Phonological Theory, this course trains students to determine the phonemes of the given language and to analyze its phonological structure. It will introduce students to each phonological theory from various schools in phonology, discussing the differences in terms and notions. This class is a prerequisite to ‘Historical and Comparative Linguistics’ and ‘Linguistic Analysis(언어분석)’.
Designed for students with basic understanding of the written Manchu language, this course will deepen their knowledge of the characteristics of the language. Readings will include Manchu texts written during the Qing Dynasty and results from previous research on the Manchu, Tungus, and the Altaic languages.
The aim of this course is to provide a broad understanding of linguistics by examining the historical changes in the object and methods of its research. Linguistics has been studied since the time of ancient Greece and India and was settled as a scientific endeavor by the Junggrammatiker, who developed the study of comparative linguistics in the 19th century. Following this historical path, the course will explore the theoretical background and characteristics of each school, up to European and American structuralism and modern transformational grammar.
This course surveys the grammatical and phonological analysis of words, and their significance in linguistic structure. Students will review the analytical techniques developed by various schools of linguistics. Theories of morphological structure and typology will be introduced, including recent studies in generative grammar. Also examined will be the relations between morphology and other levels of structure in the language.
Dealing with semantics, a scientific study of linguistic meaning, this course focuses on the following topics: domain and methodology, knowledge of linguistic meaning and word meanings (lexical semantics), how to compose-interpret complex expressions (compositional semantics), and linguistic meaning in use-discourse (pragmatics).
This course deals with basic concepts of Historical Comparative linguistics back in the 19th century, and also covers the various patterns of language changes and problems. Since this course is prerequisite for Altaic Linguistics and Indo-European Linguistics for senior students, it concentrates mainly on primary methods. In the second half of the class, related Korean data will be dealt with for further study. Students must have finished the course ‘Phonology’ before taking this course.
This course provides an introduction to syntax, developed by modern transformational grammar, through its origins in Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures (1957). The students will analyze the structure of sentences, and the function or the structure of elements occurring in the sentence. They will also study the main characteristics of theories that are derived from Chomsky’s Generative Grammar, and research the interface between syntax and semantics.
Sociolinguistics is the school of thought that attempts to understand the diversity of language through its sociological change. Accordingly, this course will first examine the background and significance of sociolinguistics, then give an overview of the results of sociolinguistic research up to this point. In addition, students will explore the relationship between the language structure and usage of the speaker and his/her society, and how that relationship might be systematized.
The aim of this course is to analyse and apply linguistic theory to real world speech data collected by students. Through the empirical work, students will gain an overview of Historical-Comparative Linguistic Theory.
How does a person acquire his/her native language? How does a person perform his/her linguistic ability? How do linguistic faculty and thought interact with each other? Psycholinguistics is the subdivision of linguistics that tries to solve these problems. This course provides the general information and the introduction to the general research methods of psycholinguistics.
This course provides language or linguistics majors in the college of humanities with an opportunity to acquire some special languages, which have a great deal of academic importance in the historical and synchronic point of view. Among them, Mongolian and Turkish are useful for investigations on Altaic Language, which is similar grammatically and morphologically with Korean. This course aims to discuss the constructional, morphological and phonological properties of those languages.
Altaic linguistics is very important to students of the genealogy of Korean language. This course provides a general introduction to Altaic linguistics. The class will involve studying and comparing the characteristics of each Altaic language (like Manchu-Tungus, Mongol, Turkish, etc) as well as evaluating the hypothesis of pre-Altaic language. During the course, students will apply the research methods of Indo-European linguistics to Altaic linguistics and study the relevance between Altaic languages and Korean.
This course introduces the Indo-European Hypothesis which began with F. Bopp and culminated during the Jung-Grammatiker period. Focus will be placed on the comparision of two or more languages using certain criteria. The earlier part of the course will survey such general topics as reconstruction of proto language and family relations, while the latter part will focus on such formal aspects of languages as phonetics and morphology.
This course outlines the fundamental notions and theories on computational linguistics and natural language processing, dealing with current issues on corpus linguistics.
This course deals with major issues in linguistics. For the purpose, we will review the existing researches and analyze the linguistic data collected to enable the students to perform the scientific demonstration.
This course introduces students to how phonetic knowledge can be applied in pronunciation-teaching and speech-technology. Emphasis will be put on the student’s ability to produce, perceive and transcribe Korean and English pronunciation correctly. Also introduced will be the current trends in speech-technology and the structure of speech synthesizers.
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts and ideas in speech processing and natural language processing (NLP). It develops an in―depth understanding of both the algorithms available for the processing of phonetic and linguistic information and the underlying computational properties of speech and natural language. Focus is on modern quantitative techniques in speech processing and NLP: using large corpora, statistical models for acquisition, disambiguation, and parsing. Also, it examines and constructs representative systems.
This course deals with special topics in linguistics, examining and criticizing previous works on the issues. Further, students will learn how to draw out a conclusion―generalization from empirical linguistic data using scientific methods.
This lecture introduces Language Pathology. It compares disorders in communications with normal communications, then classify the disorders. There are two types of language disorders, one is from failures of sensory or movement systems, the other is damage to brain. The students will explore the various symptoms, clinical manifestations and intervention.
This course explores the relationship between the language and its context. Pragmatics accounts for the dynamics of the sentence meaning and speaker’s intended meaning, whereas semantics indentifies the sentence meaning as truth conditions. The pragmatic contexts to be considered include (1) linguistic contexts in the discourse, (2) spatio-temporal contexts, and (3) social and world-knowledge contexts. Among the main topics of pragmatics are (1) inference patterns based on presupposition and implicature, (2) dynamic felicity conditions of speech acts, (3) contextual interpretation of indexical expressions (deixis), (4) conversation/discourse structure, (5) socio-cultural aspects in language, (6) discourse analysis of mass media.
The proposed course provides an overview of statistical concepts and methods while also introducing students to the statistical software R for linguistic study. The course uses R because it is a free, open-source software that is used widely by novice and experienced researchers alike. Registered students will gain an understanding of the role that statistics plays in modern linguistic research through the main lectures and receive hands-on experience with manipulating and analyzing real linguistic data during lab sessions. This course is designed to prepare students for more advanced courses in the department such as “Experimental Linguistics”, which focuses on how specific statistical methods can be applied to particular research questions, and how to manipulate complex data before analysis.
The course provides a comprehensive overview of experimental methods that are widely used in modern linguistics. Registered students will have an opportunity to implement various experimental projects through lab classes in addition to the main lectures. This course consists of main lectures and lab classes, which will teach students theoretical backgrounds, hands-on skills and analytic tools to conduct experimental research in various sub-fields of linguistics (e.g. phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and language processing and production). This course aims at helping students enhance their knowledge of experimental linguistics and employ experimental methods in conducting original research on language.
This is a course designed to have students understand theoretical and empirical issues concerning child language acquisition. The students deal with acquisition data from babbling, one-word, two-word, telegraphic speech through adult stage, which will be analysed in terms of various levels of grammar – phonetics, phonology, lexicology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. The course will also discuss some issues related to bilingual development, e.g., interference between two grammars and lexicons. The students will be trained to figure out theoretical implications from empirical study of child language data.