
This course provides an overview of recent developments in articulatory, acoustic and auditory phonetics. Students are trained to analyse phonetic aspects of Korean and other languages. Special emphasis will be on the students’ ability to transcribe sounds of the world’s languages using IPA symbols and to pronounce unfamiliar sounds correctly.

This course surveys developments in phonological theory and recent trends in phonology. In class, discussions will be held on the differences between phonemics and generative phonology, methods of establishing the phoneme inventory of a specific language, and rule formulations of phonological phenomena using distinctive features. By reviewing recent phonological theories, students will be trained to apply those theories to Korean as well as other languages.

This graduate course provides an introduction to syntax, which has been largely developed by modern transformational grammar since Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures (1957). Students will analyze the structure of a sentence, and the function and structure of elements occurring within the sentence. They will also study the main characteristics of theories derived from Chomsky’s Generative Grammar and research the interface between syntax and semantics.

Semantics, a scientific study of linguistic meaning, deals with the following topics: domain and methodology, knowledge of linguistic meaning and word knowledge and meanings (lexical semantics). This graduate course will also investigate how to compose and interpret complex expressions (compositional semantics) as well as how formal semantics contributes to computerized language (pragmatics).

Students will learn how to classify different patterns of language change and explain the reason for those changes based on the understanding of basic concepts in Historical Comparative Linguistics. Problems in Comparative Linguistics will be examined through concrete examples, and the reconstructed form of proto-languages will be traced through real data from Indo-European and Altaic Comparative Linguistics. In addition, various theories in Historical Comparative Linguistics will be reviewed in order to examine their validity.

This course is designed to introduce students to the techniques of experimental phonetics, the use of laboratory equipment, and the theoretical basis for the acoustic structure of speech sounds. Extensive practice in spectrogram reading, segmentation and labelling will be given. Recent trends in speech technology and the structure of speech synthesizers and recognizers will also be investigated.

This course is for students with previous background knowledge of comparative linguistics. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship among Altaic languages such as Manchu-Tungus, Mongolian and Turkish. Discussions will be conducted on Altaic family hypothesis and Anti-Altaic hypothesis. Students will examine the theories on the genealogy of Korean and will also examine the sufficiency of the application of the Indo-European Linguistic methodology.

This course is for students with previous background knowledge of comparative linguistics. It will provide a general survey of Indo-European languages, including their relationships, chief characteristics, writing systems and the nature of reconstructed Indo-European proto-language and proto-culture. Emphasis will be placed on the methods and theories, such as comparative method and method of internal reconstruction. Sound change, grammatical change, and semantic change will also be examined.

The course focuses on how to categorize language data in perspective of Historical Comparative Linguistics. This is achieved by gaining thorough understanding of historical development of Korean language accompanied by insights into legacies of Korean literature. On that purpose, characteristics of ancient/medieval documents will be closely examined while history of language and that of writing system remain intricately correlated.

Sociolinguistics is the field that is concerned with understanding language diversity through its sociological change. Following the undergraduate course , the goal of this course is to understand the diversity of language and the importance of the variability of factors such as class, age, and occupation through in-depth research and analysis.

This course deals with special topics in linguistics. Students will conduct critical analysis of earlier works and learn how to draw more refined conclusions and/or generalizations from empirical linguistic data using scientific methods.

This is an advanced course in phonetics for graduate students. Students will choose a research topic in articulatory, acoustic, auditory, and applied phonetics for the purpose of investigating recent developments within these areas.

This course will aim to deepen students’ understanding of syntactic and semantic theories, which are closely related fields of study.

The course starts from the very basic concepts of Natural Language Processing, moving onto the various topics covered in NLP such as methodology of parsing and semantic analyses. The preliminaries includes foundational knowledge in Probability and Statistics as well as essential theories of Linguistics all of which will be adquately treated throughout the course. The course will provide the students some basic mathematical concepts, which are inclined to broad range of linguistic analysis. Formal basis of logic and language, likelyhood, statistical methods, and information theory will be discussed, which will provide foundation for computational studies.

The course leads on to the level of in-depth discourses on Computational Syntactic/Semantic Theories. The possibility of computational realization of syntactically/semantically designed theoretic models will be fully investigated. Students are required to participate in a Type Features Structure parsing of Korean language. Parsing, Semantic Analysis, and Ontology will be discussed, and the students will learn how to analyze sentential structures and to represent natural language semantics computationally. Finally, we will work on Ontology technically, using proper tools.

In this course, we will try to understand as well as practice individual languages and their traditions. The scope will include diverse perspectives of not only contemporary languages but languages used in previous times.

The goal of this course is to expose students to uncommon, minority languages. The students will examine these languages from various perspectives and understand the structure of unfamiliar languages.

This course deals with how linguistic studies are applied to human life. We will examine such theorists as Wittgenstein, Austin, Searle as well as Grice’s pragmatic theory. Included also are presuppositions of Frege, Stalnaker, and Karttunen. Special emphasis will be placed on data analysis and pragmatic application.

Research on different methodologies in dialectalogical analysis. This course will cover traditional dialectology up to recent generative and urban dialectology. Analysis will be conducted on geological and social dialects with consideration of sociolinguistic factors, dialectal difference and correlation of language change.

Having grasped the historical changes in the object and methods of linguistic research and acquiring a broad understanding of linguistics, students will gain an in depth understanding of the characteristics of the theories of each generation of linguists from ancient times to the present. Furthermore, the course will focus not only on the research direction and the major scholars of each generation of linguistics, but also on their theoretical backgrounds and their effects.

Psycholinguistics is the subdivision of linguistics that tries to answer questions such as: How does a person acquire his-her native language? How does a person perform his-her linguistic ability? How do linguistic faculty and thought interact with each other? This course provides an introduction to the general research methods of psycholinguistics. Students will examine and discuss these methods in order to better understand them.

This is an advanced phonology course for graduate students. We will discuss current areas related to Phonological Theory such as Autosegmental Phonology, CV Phonology, Metrical Phonology, and Optimality Theory. An emphasis will be placed on the students’ ability to analyse phonological phenomena within Korean and other languages.

Spoken language interface provides the most natural communication for human-computer interaction. Spoken language processing refers to theories and technologies related to speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, and spoken language understanding for building a spoken language interface. This course introduces major theories covering the diverse and interdisciplinary subject related to spoken language processing. Furthermore, using various software tools, this course also shows how these theories can be applied to solve real problems in spoken language processing.

This course introduces fundamental theories in spoken language processing researches, especially on Hidden Markov Models, including topics on acoustic, lexical, and language models and decoding methods for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition. The course also deals with interdisciplinary topics on how to apply linguistic theories to read and spontaneous speech recognition and dialog processing.

This course is designed to investigate current theories and research problems in morphology: the nature of morphological structure, derivational and inflectional morphology, the relation between morphology and phonology, syntax, and the lexicon will be discussed in detail. Students will be trained to analyse the morphological phenomena of Korean as well as other languages.

This course is an advanced continuation of Studies in Phonetics 1. The goal of this course is to expand the students’ knowledge of phonetics while deepening their theoretical understanding of it.

This course is an advanced continuation of Studies in Phonology 1. The goal of this course is to further expand the students’ knowledge of phonology while deepening their theoretical understanding of it.

This course is an advanced continuation of Studies in Syntax 1. The goal of this course is to further expand and refine the students’ knowledge of syntax while deepening their theoretical understanding of it.

This course is an advanced continuation of Studies in Semantics 1. The goal of this course is to refine the students’ knowledge of semantics while deepening their theoretical understanding of it.

This course is an advanced continuation to Studies in Historical Comparative Linguistics 1. The goal of this course is to refine and expand the students’ knowledge of Historical Comparative Linguistics while deepening their theoretical understanding of it.

The course aims at evaluating currently used methodologies and their results in the field of Historical Comparative Linguistics. Genealogical studies on particular languages and typological approach to syntactic changes over time will be presented as main subjects of the course. The arguments will be extended to the greater issues like generalization of linguistic phenomena based on Historical Comparative Linguistics theories or Sociolinguistic problems.

Linguistics typology looks at the relationships amongst languages based on their similarities and differences. The typological study of a variety of languages should be performed in all fields of linguistics including phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. In addition, typological study contributes to the investigation and the regularization of language change. This course will examine the results of studies in linguistic typology, and discuss their directions and developments.

This course is an advanced continuation of Seminar in Syntax and Semantics 1. The goal of this course is to expand the students’ knowledge of Syntax and Semantics while deepening their theoretical understanding of it.

In this course we study new methodologies and theories of Computational Linguistics or Natural Language Processing. Special topics about computational syntactic and semantic analysis of natural language, ontology and applications such as information retrieval, machine translation, and knowledge-based systems will be investigated.

This course introduces current state of arts in spoken language processing researches through term projects and seminars on selected topics in speech recognition, text-to-speech, dialog processing, and speech-to-speech machines translation. For this purpose, recent conference proceedings on spoken language technology evaluation and Ph. D. theses of major universities on spoken language processing topics will be used for seminar material. Through these seminars, specific topics on Korean spoken language processing will be derived and students will investigate these topics for term projects.

The course targets graduate and advanced undergraduate students who already have some experience in conducting experiments to pursue a research question in linguistics. In comparison to the undergraduate-level experimental linguistics course, which introduces students to a wide range of methodological tools used to conduct experimental research in various sub-fields of linguistics (e.g. phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and language processing and production), the current course digs deeper into experimental work conducted in a particular subfield of linguistics, so that students can understand the broader discussion underlying a particular body of work and apply the relevant tools in their own research. For this purpose, the course focuses on a particular subfield/topic each semester and (1) discusses representative experimental papers written about the topic/field, and (2) guides students through conducting pilot experiments of their research projects via lab classes and advising sessions. Depending on the results of the students’ final projects, the course aims to encourage students to submit abstracts on their projects to international conferences. The syllabus attached below sets semantics/pragmatics as the topic/field of focus, but the topic/field may vary depending on the semester.